Arxis Ensemble

Arxis Ensemble

ARXIS Ensemble is a contemporary music formation that was born with the aim of being a meeting point between performers, creators and the public in the field of music today. It focuses its activity on working hand in hand with composers of our time, as well as on national and international exchanges to position Galicia as one of the centers of avant-garde art. Betting on the programming of the music repertoire of the last fifty years, ARXIS Ensemble, aims to open dialogues on recent creation through concerts, conferences and workshops, linking music with other artistic disciplines.

Its members focus their activity on the performance, research and enhancement of avant-garde music. They participate in multidisciplinary projects, musical theatre, opera, performance, improvisation and electronic music, continually rethinking the role of the musician today, linking him with listening and the search for innovation in sound art.

During its first season in 2022, ARXIS Ensemble will feature Aitor Vázquez Torres as Guest Conductor, and Igor C. Silva as Resident Composer.